The owner-managed company has its European headquarters in Asperg, conveniently located close to Stuttgart. The US headquarters is located in central NJ. Lohnpack offers services such as procurement, incoming goods inspection, warehousing, logistics, and more as required to meet your special needs.
Leading companies in the dental, chemical, technical, engineering, aerospace, and electronics industries in particular appreciate the performance of the packaging specialists at Lohnpack..
Filling and packaging liquids as well as high-viscosity materials into all kinds of packages is one of the core competences of Lohnpack. Our expertise and product knowledge, built over our 20 year history, forms a solid foundation from which we develop solutions for difficult packaging projects.
Lohnpack will provide the most cost effective solutions for filling and packaging cartridges (SBS, u-TAH, Peeler, Coaxial), bottles, jars, cans, pails, pouches, sachets, collapsible tubes, glass ampoules, or sausages.
Leading packaging manufacturers recommend Lohnpack.
Lohnpack’s reputation for reliability in handling, adherence to delivery dates, guaranteed quality and high efficiency through optimized processes leads to many packaging manufacturers recommending Lohnpack as a contract packer.